Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Fox News claims anti-fees protests were “rebellion against big government”

What are you on about fox news, first things first, they started with a map of the United Kingdom and called it Great Britain, Start as you mean to go on.

But seriously can you not see the banners in the protest its STOP the cuts not, more bloody cuts , there is no tea parties in the United Kingdom unless you include the monster raving loony party, who adopted the name for a while and best policy to date is;
The Government seems hell bent and positively gleeful at the possibility of cutting unemployment benefits, disability payments and other welfare payments, and cutting many services that a lot of people depend on, but don't seem to have the same enthusiasm for tackling Tax avoidance and Tax evasion for the rich, wealthy and privileged.

Which is nothing like the American tea party, apart from the loons... the whole thing is a joke, keep your damn lies that side of the pond FOX we see straight through your damn lies.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Thursday, 11 November 2010

I’m looking for some Hackers

I’m looking for some Hackers, well as you may or may not know I also run Hackoblog, which is a blog dedicated to hacking and alike, electronics computers science and general hacky behaviour I update it regularly, I take a no boundary approach because all information wants is to be free.

So if you are interested in writing for the hackoblog then hit me up with an email you can use the contact page or @TheSkyNet on Twitter and we can make something fun and beautiful.

If not that’s cool, I also need ideas for new hacks and tutorials so if you want to learn just do the same send requests to me. @TheSkyNet or use the contact page on this blog or IRC. (How to Join IRC)

Monday, 8 November 2010

Excuse me good sir but do you mind... (Driscoll Middle School Trick Play)

OK so I'm normally hating on that thing Americans call football, but hay this was funny.

Saturday, 6 November 2010

OK there's no Pig But I can see it????

I love optical illusions, there was a fun house at Blackpool with lots of them in I took some photos but lost my data cable, this was one of my favourites.