Well as you may or may not know, I’m a Redditer if you don't know what reddit is then you’re missing out. But that is irrelevant to this article, i am a very helpful Redditer, and i like to draw the reddit alien "Snoo" for some of the other subreddits.
Hip Hop Snoo
Gypsy rocker
r/LadyBoner |
r/Bleach |
r/Corruption |
Foot Ball (Not soccer) |
Deal with the Devil |
r/PirateRadio |
R/altRap |
r/TorontoBluejays (apparently it is some kinda cricket) |
r/AORmelodic |
r/Hyperion |
R/SouthPark |
R/religiousrans |
R/PlanetPorn |
R/craftexchange |
HendersonState |
R/herpetology |
R/enewabul |
R/Chatting |
R/Hookers |
Never redditted. Will give it a try.