This is just a quick tip to launch Sublime Text from A Cygwin Terminal, most developers need to use the command-line but lets face it vim, vi and nano all suck as editors sublime is nice so lets use that.
1) Edit the bashrc (OK we gonna use a terminal editor jut one)
nano ~/.bashrc2) Put this at the bottom of the file
subl() {
local cmd="'$(cygpath 'D:\Documents\Sublime Text 2.0.1\sublime_text.exe')'"
if [[ $@ ]]; then
cmd=$cmd' "'$(cygpath --windows "$@" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/" "/g')'"'
eval $cmd
3) Then re compile bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc
and you are done ! type subl any time to edit file in Sublime Text.