About Kevin Morton

This is a fun attempt at a semi-serious auto biography of me, my self, and Kevin Morton:

Probably the best way to describe Kevin Morton (i.e me) is a dyslexic web application developer  from the midlands in the United Kingdom, I could easily use a hole lot of words to describe Kevin and most if not all would be accurate.

Hard-working, intelligent, charismatic, elegant, and witty would all fit the proverbial pandora's box that is Kevin Morton for someone to truly understand this enigma wrapped in a riddle surrounded by mystery and almost certainly odd thing we must understand Kevin's life from almost beginning to end.

Kevin was born in a small town in the very south of England a town called Torbay in Cornwall if you were to ask Kevin of his time here he would tell you Little, this is not because Kevin's time there was traumatic or in any way bad but instead it was dew to the fact of his time there being short, it is possible for him to tell you about his Nanna's dog Sam and brief relations of his Nanna's warming stew.

The interesting parts of this protagonists story don't come to later on in his life as the majority of Kevin's life although fun,character building, and hart warming are not as interesting as Dragon slaying and other such fanciful stories that are probably better left to fiction.

Kevin has battled with is own disability all his life Dyslexia, forced to adapt to a world that primary method of communication and arguably best is text, it is odd you wouldn't think that Kevin wouldn't be to able thrive in the online communication wave when this is the case but Kevin thrives on challenging in his life and as stated previous Kevin is a dragonslayer.

Kevin was diagnosed with dyslexia while in primary school this was lucky in some ways for him because his ability to adapt to the world he used technology to kick start hes deficient brain into shape.

this use of technology was very successful to Mr Morton and it didn't end at word processing, Kevin wold take a part tinkering ith technology he was given evntuley learning to program and build his ideas in to tangible systems that could help him and others.

To this day he builds and tinkers away with the various tools and technology he has available to bring his ideas to life such as:
  • Java
  • C#
  • PHP

Kevin's online presence can be found all over the internet from his helpful and popular videos on YouTube to the web sites and community's he has helped build over the years and continues to do so:

   @TheSkyNet & @KevinMorton1986
    /u/TheSkyNet & /u/KevMorton